Hippocrates once said,” The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it.”

With growing advancements in the medical field, people are living longer as even the most acute diseases are cured. By 2040, the ageing population in India will increase by 45%, which means the healthcare sector needs rapid expansion to meet the needs.

According to geriatric specialists, chronic diseases will still be an area of concern for most elders despite medical advancements. Preventive care will need to be even more stringent to safeguard the elderly. Elders over the age of 65 will need regular medical checkups and screening. This will help reduce the risk of pre-existing medical conditions or delay the onset or progression of diseases.

If you are a senior or someone looking after a senior, here are some critical medical screenings to be aware of:

Weight and Height:

Ageing decreases metabolism and mobility in the Elders. With reduced movement, the chances of obesity increase. It is necessary to have timely weight checks to prevent obesity and associated issues. In women, regular height tracking can help detect osteoporosis that occurs due to poor bone density.

Blood Pressure:

Hypertension is one of the most critical medical conditions. It is the number one risk factor for heart diseases and a significant cause of death in people over the age of 65. Over 29% of the Indian population has High Blood Pressure. Hypertension often goes unnoticed due to the absence of noticeable side effects. It creeps into old age, causing blockages in arteries and overall blood circulation. For people over the age of 65, it’s necessary to get regular BP (Blood Pressure) checks and get proper medication as prescribed by a medical practitioner if diagnosed.


An autoimmune disease that arrives without any identifiable symptoms is often linked to obesity, hypertension and even dementia. Over 61.3 million people in India are living with diabetes, and this is a significant cause for concern. For the elders over the age of 65, it’s wise to get blood tests done once every year and more regularly for the ones with a family history of diabetes, hypertension and obesity.

Prescription Medicines:

Elders often suffer from acute to chronic medical conditions and are prescribed multiple medicines that are administered daily. It’s important to follow necessary protocols and monitor the dosage and frequency of medications. It’s advised to consult a doctor every year, and if the elder suffers from a chronic disease, once in six months.

Vision and Hearing:

Ageing dulls sensory organs like eyes and ears. Hearing loss is common and needs to be treated in the elderly, and it’s good to get the ears checked once every two years. The regular eye test can help detect eye disorders at early stages and treat them. People over 65 need to get their eyes checked once every year to screen for age-related diseases.

Mental Health:

Elders are often prone to isolation and loneliness that often leads to depression. It’s important to get yearly checkups that study their mental state. If tested with depression, it’s wise to choose therapy and proactively improve the situation.


Cancer affects all age groups, but the elderly population is often tested with colon, cervical, breast, prostate, and skin cancer. Cancer detected at early stages is curable in most cases. Make sure to get timely tests and screening and do not overlook any symptoms. Consult the doctor and undergo necessary treatment.

We hope this information helped in understanding more about the tests and screenings needed for the elderly. Prevention is always better than cure. Early detection helps save lives.